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Here is some more fan art fun for my fellow comic art guys and gals. This is one of my favorite characters to revisit from time to time.
I love gritty characters and it is a great opportunity to add in lots of fun little textures. I almost feel like the more the better on this guy.
I must be honest and say that when it comes to drawing this character a lot of what I do has come from studying the amazing work of David Finch. For anyone that knows his work then I am sure it is pretty obvious.
I tend to try and channel various artists when I draw characters that they have done extremely well. For instance, it is pretty hard for me to draw the Hulk without thinking of Dale Keown’s work.
Same goes for Spawn. How else could I draw him without my memory pushing Todd McFarlane’s stunning work into the forefront of my mind. This goes for Spider-man as well!
When it comes to beautiful babes, I would have to give that category to both J. Scott Campbell and Ed Benes.
I know that relying too heavily on other artist’s styles can be a crutch so I tend to only glance at their work for inspiration and put it away.
After a while, you don’t even need to look at it anyways. This one of Moon Knight was purely from my imagination and inspired memories.
I think that over time we tend to develop our own styles anyways by the sheer volume of work that we do.
The great thing about being inspired by other artists is that it can really push us to create when we just aren’t feeling up to it. So use it sparingly but realize it can be way to kindle your fire when needed!
Inspiration can really impact our focus. It seems to me, that it is the best way to get into a flow state. When I am truly inspired, time starts to melt away and I can’t even pry myself away from the art.
We can’t always rely on this to be productive but it sure doesn’t hurt to use it when it’s available.
Success is Finding a Balance Between Inspiration and Motivation
I believe that being successful in art is balancing our motivation and inspiration. Self motivation is just as important and maybe less attractive of a concept.
It requires hard work and diligence even when we don’t feel up to the task. It is the part where we set schedules and grind out the work that we don’t really want to do.
For some us, this may be marketing, updating our portfolio, networking with others, drawing complex backgrounds, or even just drawing in general when we aren’t inspired.
The thing to remember is that when we do push through the rough patches we are building our grit and determination. I think it takes a bit of balance. Some days we will be more inspired and other days we will rely more on our work ethic and self motivation.
No one ever said that being a professional artist is easy but even still, I am loving every minute of it.
Thank you very much for following my work. Your support allows me to keep doing what I do and I am very grateful for that. Let me know if you have any questions for new content and I will do my best to deliver.
I hope today’s post has helped in some way and good luck with your comic art! Never stop drawing!!
Robert A. Marzullo
Ram Studios Comics