How to Draw Superheroes Female Proportions and Suit Design
I just created a new Skillshare class to add to my next course on, “How to Draw Superheroes – Start to Finish!” This will be just another part to the course that will be packed full of great information!
In this particular lesson we will cover basic proportions of the superhero female form. You will learn how I draw a turnaround of a character, then how to apply anatomy and a suit design. Breaking down the process can make it much easier to accomplish.
This can seem like a basic lesson but I assure it is a very important one to practice. Turning the character around on the page gives you a great sense on how they look from these basic angles. Then drawing them in more dynamic poses is easier to envision. Don’t worry, we will get into all that advanced stuff later, I promise!
Get them on Skillshare!
If you want to give this class a look here is the link – https://skl.sh/2K8mb2w
You can also get my class on the male proportions version here – https://skl.sh/2HCOOY2
Do you prefer Gumroad?
If you want to just buy this course you can get it on my Gumroad page here. Just please keep in mind that you pay for the full course now and get the lessons as they are completed. I will be adding new lessons each week until the course is completed. https://gum.co/zgpix
By the end of this course we will cover all the various techniques I use to create comic book heroes. Things like proportions + distortions of the body, dynamic anatomy, suit designs, powers, rendering/crosshatching, shapes of shadows, action poses, foreshortening, and by the end of it we will complete a full scene creation to put all that knowledge to the test.
I hope you will join me for these lessons and I am here if you have any questions. As always keep drawing and keep having fun! 🙂
Robert A. Marzullo Ram Studios Comics