Creature Design Class
How to Improve Your Creature Design Drawing – Step by Step
In this course you will learn how to draw a variety of creature concepts. I will walk you through all the techniques that I use to draw imaginative creatures every day. This course is good for traditional and digital artists.
You will learn how to draw various studies to improve your knowledge and gain inspiration. We will cover break downs of specific areas in the creature anatomy to better understand how their bodies work.
You will learn to draw and study the spine since it is the foundation of almost any creature you will draw. I will walk you through creating lots of different concepts in this course.
Here is a break down of the Lessons that are currently available –
L1 – The Spine Says it All – In this lesson you will learn why studying the spine is so important and follow along with me as I illustrate a few examples.(Run Time – 13:09)
L2 – Thumbnailing the Concepts – In this lesson we will thumbnail 11 different concepts. This is an integral part of the design process. By keeping the ideas loose and the sketches quick ( 5-6 Minutes ) you can express a lot of concepts to work from. (Run Time – 8:54)
L3 – The Brain Box – In this lesson you will learn how to draw various heads for our creatures. We will talk about some of the differences that define predators and prey. (Run Time – 9:19)
L4 – Creating Variations in Your Concepts – In this lesson we will draw 6 creature designs but focus on making each one very different from the previous example. This can be a great way to stretch the imagination. (Run Time – 12:00)
L5 – Animal Leg Studies – It is important to study various parts of animal anatomy to gain perspective on your creature designs. Here we will draw 3 examples from animals and adjust them slightly to look more imaginative. (Run Time – 7:57)
L6 – Merging Concepts Together – In this lesson you will work with me as I draw 6 different creature limbs. Each will have at least 2 various traits mixed together to create the design. (Run Time – 11:04)
L7 – Adjusting Proportions – In this lesson you will learn how to create a creature concept and then adjust the proportions to make a very different version of that same creature. This can be another very useful exercise in developing a unique creature design. (Run Time – 11:03)
L8 – Project Ogre Thumbnails – In this lesson you will learn how to work from a script like a real pro does. This is a fun and important exercise to do so let’s get to it. We will start by drawing out our thumbnails to this concept. (Run Time – 17:02)
L9 – Cleaning up the Concept – In this lesson we will draw one more thumbnail and make our decision on what to keep and what to pitch. We will then start to clean up our sketch. (Run Time – 17:08)
L10 – Refining the Drawing – Now the heavy lifting has been done and we will start to refine the line work and make it pretty for the client or our portfolio…or both! (Run Time – 18:50)
More lessons are on the way and I am here if you have any questions or feedback for me. You also get access to all of these art files to study from.
Get Lifetime Access to this Course here – https://ram-studios-comics-art-school.teachable.com/p/how-to-improve-your-creature-design-drawings-step-by-step
Get a glimpse into this course here on my Youtube channel – https://youtu.be/FVDKCH8IwP4
Robert A. Marzullo Ram Studios Comics