
Hello Everyone!

I am excited to share a new course with you today. This one is all about how to apply light and shadow to your illustrations. This is a topic that I have wanted to go into more depth about for quite a while.

Light, shadow, and rendering are the elements that propel our artwork off the page. Understanding these concepts and developing our skills in this area allow us to draw with more depth and dimension.

This course is currently at just over 3 hours of content. It is broken up into three primary sections of study.

Section 1 – Rendering Practice Activities

The first section is a basic exercise for you to study fades and rendering techniques. This will allow you to work on hand control and gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of light and shadow.

You will work on a few different textures and ways to create fades with cross hatching. Make sure to grab your practice sheet in the PDF that I supplied with this course!

Section 2 – Drawing a Single and Dual Light Source

In this next section you will learn to draw a single and dual light source and why this can be a powerful way to add depth and dimension to your illustrations.

This also allows us to create all sorts of interesting possibilities with the coloring process. Allowing us to colorize our work in a more cinematic way.

Section 3 – Lighting the Face from 3 Different Angles

For the next section you will learn how to apply light and shadow to a face from 3 various angles. This will allow you to add more drama to your character’s expressions and can be a powerful element in our storytelling.

Here are the key points that we will focus on during these lessons –

  • Cast shadows
  • Drop Shadows
  • Bounced Light
  • Edge Lighting
  • Core Shadows
  • Specular Vs. Diffused
  • Textures and Imperfections

I will be adding more project files and art sheets over time. I hope you find these lessons to be very informative and reach out if you have any questions or would like to share your artwork!


You can watch this course along with my other content here on Skillsharehttps://skl.sh/4eRP2GT

( Skillshare is like the Netflix of learning. You pay monthly and can access all the content from a huge catalog of online instructors. )

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If you prefer to purchase this course then you can get it here on my platformCLICK HERE

( When you buy the course from my site you get lifetime access to these lessons and all future updates are free after the initial purchase. )

Thank you for considering my content and for allowing me to help you along your art journey. Have an awesome day and never stop drawing!! 🙂


Robert A. Marzullo