Hello Fellow Comic Artists!

My name is Robert Marzullo and I have been drawing comics since I was about 14 years old. ( Getting ready to turn 44 ) I was first published when I was 18 in an independent series called Aerial and Assault by Tyme Press. I have since published my own comic Blackstone Eternal and I am the author of the book “Learn to Draw Action Heroes”. I have done many other things as an artist but this is about creating comics so I won’t list everything. I don’t want to bore you to death!

What I Would Tell My Younger Self as an Artist

The main thing I want to impart on anyone reading this is that if you want to be a comic artist you have to just start creating comics. I wish I would have focused more of my time creating comics rather than trying to figure out how to get into comics. The act of doing is the most important part.

Nothing will grow your skill set quicker than actually drawing page after page of sequential storytelling. I only have a total of 5 comics under my belt but I have noticed great improvements from completing each of them.

I Practice Every Day in my Sketchbook…Isn’t That Enough?

You might say, “I draw every day already. I draw pin ups and splash pages!” So that is enough, right? Wrong! That can actually hurt you as much as help you unless you are specifically going to be a cover artist and the odds are you won’t start there.

Pin ups are great but they don’t tell much story. You won’t learn how to direct the viewers eye through the page, you won’t get as good at drawing the same character with a variety of emotions, you won’t develop your ability to move the camera in and out of the scene more confidently, and the list goes on.

You learn these things by drawing a comic book. You also need to practice working from a script not just drawing whatever pops into your melon while your watching Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube! ( Make sure to visit my channel by the way! 🙂

Fan Art is Fun but It’s Not Comics!

You may look at my work and say, “Rob, you draw Fan Art all the time!” You’re right, and that is why I can honestly speak from experience.

I have drawn comic books and I have drawn countless pieces of fan art. Guess which ones get me more offers to work on a title. Yep, sequential art.

I don’t currently get calls from the big guys like Marvel, Dc comics, or Image but when I draw and post sequential pages I get more offers from other independent comic book creators.

Blackstone Eternal Comic Book Artwork by Robert A. Marzullo
Blackstone Eternal Comic Book Artwork by Robert A. Marzullo

I am speaking from my own experiences but also reconfirming what I need to implement in my own strategy. If I want to work in comics I need to draw amazing stories that show the viewer what I can do.

Besides, working through a series of pages from a script will expose my flaws and that is exactly what I need to fix within my work so why fight it.

So I challenge you to get out there and create some comics! Throw a script together or find one online and put yourself to the test. If you can’t muster up a 22 page book then go for a short story.

Show it off to everyone you know and accept the criticism so that you can make the next one even better. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

There is no such thing as a perfect comic or a perfect piece of art. Remember, done is better than perfect!

Good luck to you and thank you for reading my blog! Check out my YouTube channel for more content on drawing comics – http://www.youtube.com/c/robertmarzullo
Get my Video Course content and custom brushes here on my Gumroad – http://www.gumroad.com/robertmarzullo


Author / Illustrator

Ram Studios Comics

Get a copy of my book Learn to Draw Action Heroes here on Amazon ( My Affiliate Link ) –

Check out more step by step Drawing Tutorials here –


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