Learn to Draw Actions Heroes – Step by Step
Super excited to share that my new book, “Learn to Draw Action Heroes” is now available on Amazon! I just received my advanced copies and the quality and page layouts are sweet. Impact Books does a tremendous job putting all this content together. The art isn’t half bad either. 😉
It is 144 page step by step guide to drawing superheroes. I did my very best to make this book extremely comprehensive and easy to follow along. This should be a great beginner to intermediate guide for comic book artists.
This book is designed for comic artists that want to create more dynamic looking artwork. I was a kid in the 90’s so my style reflects that. There are a lot of us out there that still love that ultra expressive rendering style. So you will get more of that from this book. Lots of cool detailing and cross hatching explain in a step by step approach.
I go through various parts of the body and show lots of break downs. I have always learned the most from these types of studies so I felt it made the most sense to teach others in this manner.
Here is a sample page to check out the look –

Learn to Draw Action Heroes Sample Page
Get your copy here on Amazon –
If you get a copy of the book I would love to know what you think!
Thank you for your support and good luck with your art.
Remember if you want to share your progress from this book. Just tag me in the post. Use Instagram or Twitter. Here are my links –
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/robert_marzullo
Twitter – https://twitter.com/RobertMarzullo
Robert A. Marzullo
Ram Studios Comics